<aside> 🥑 Fruition Plus Notion Template


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f9a17ec9-c529-49ca-a307-5dac0fef49aa/Simon_avatr.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f9a17ec9-c529-49ca-a307-5dac0fef49aa/Simon_avatr.png" width="40px" /> Personal Website Notion Template


(Replace this picture with yours. It should show several screens of your theme, ideally with a mobile screen too.)

(Replace this picture with yours. It should show several screens of your theme, ideally with a mobile screen too.)

About this Template:

(Add any information here. For example how you designed it, where you got inspired from etc.)

Check out the demo:

(Link to a live version of this theme.)

<aside> 👉 Personal Website


<aside> 👉 Fruition Plus (this website)


View un-styled Notion page:

Link to a the un-styled Notion page here.

<aside> 👉 [Personal Website (Notion page)](https://heuschkelsimon.notion.site/Crowdsourced-CSS-Styles-Design-Templates-more-for-Fruition-based-Notion-Websites-3ed984b125224fceb1ff94dc7dce7ce4](https://www.notion.so/Crowdsourced-CSS-Styles-Design-Templates-more-for-Fruition-based-Notion-Websites-3ed984b125224fceb1ff94dc7dce7ce4)


<aside> 👉 [Fruition Plus (Notion page)](https://heuschkelsimon.notion.site/Crowdsourced-CSS-Styles-Design-Templates-more-for-Fruition-based-Notion-Websites-3ed984b125224fceb1ff94dc7dce7ce4](https://www.notion.so/Crowdsourced-CSS-Styles-Design-Templates-more-for-Fruition-based-Notion-Websites-3ed984b125224fceb1ff94dc7dce7ce4)


How to use this template?

(Leave this part as is - remove me)

  1. Set up a Notion website following the steps from Fruitionsite.com.
  2. Replace the CSS code in the Fruition script with the Fruition Plus CSS or replace the entire script and update it with your information. Done.
  3. Use the provided Fruition Plus script or CSS code:

<aside> 👉 Step by step Installation Instructions


<aside> 👉 Notion Plus Fruition Plus Script and CSS code.
